Siii!! πŸƒ

Siii!! πŸƒ

Check-in πŸ“Œ

As I ended up sleeping late due to the work I had to do, I ended up missing today’s first lecture. So, note to myself: FIX YOUR SLEEP! πŸ’€

Despite that, my day was productive. My group and I discussed for our assingments which are due soon. And we did a good amount of work (while having fun at the same time).

Also, is it just me or do you always have plenty of recipe videos pop up everytime you open Youtube when you are fasting? πŸ‘€

Highlights of the Day ✨

  • Discussed for Developmental Studies Report πŸ“ƒ
  • Discussed for Database Systems Assignment πŸ—„
  • Continued working on Web Dev 🌐
  • Ramadan Day 10 ❀️

Goals for tomorrow πŸ“

  • Start learning Flask 🐍
  • Continue learning Web Dev 🌐
  • Ramadan Day 11 ❀️

updated_at 22-04-2021