Kindle πŸ“–

Kindle πŸ“–

6:03 PM; Stadium Metro Station, Dubai

Competition πŸƒ

I personally view β€œcompetition” to be a good thing (and necessary). What I mean by competition is basically having (or exposing yourself to) an environment, where other people too in that environment strive on a goal that you might have.

Why I personally view competition to be necessary is because in your path to your career/education goals, you might lose track of current situation of that goal you want to achieve. It could mean in terms of skills required to achieve it, tools required to work for it and so on. When a person faces this dilemma, without an environment with people who might share common goals, he/she might lose the motivation that they once had, when they started off on this journey.

I also prefer myself to be exposed to an environment where I could get competition for the goal I might have, as this would even help put in much more better work into striving to achieve that goal. As students, this might even be quite evident to us through the work we put in due to the environment we might exposed to among our friends, peers, and at the university/school.

One key point while being in such an environment, is to also not to over-work yourself due to the competition. Even though competition pushes us to put in more (better) work, it is also essential to have fun while working towards your goal. Always remember that you chose that goal of your’s because you are passionate about it, and also cause it brings you joy. And if you are not having fun, there is probably something wrong, which should be dubugged ASAP! πŸ€–

Although having competition could help you in alot of ways, it could harm you too if taken too seriously. Some might even jump over the very fine line between β€œcompetition” and β€œcomparison”, and comparison is in no way healthy for you.

What are your views on having "competition"?
Do you feel that it is a necessity?

Highlights of the Day ✨

  • Worked on the COVID-19 Dashboard
  • Read more about Flight Clustering
  • Used API to gather Flight and Airport Data for Airline Dashboard
  • Half way through the audiobook - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Built a web-scrapper to get historical data of COVID-19, for any given country

Goals for tomorrow πŸ“

  • Complete the book - The War of Art (by Steven Pressfield)
  • Try optimizing the solutions on airline problems, before meeting the app dev team
  • Recognize the pros and cons between Dash and Django Frameworks
  • Session on Flight Clustering

updated_at 20-06-2021