Severus Snape πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

Severus Snape πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

I love this picture

Social Media 🌐

Social Media, according to me, is one of the most powerful tools one could use, that is literally accessible to almost everyone. This tool could be used to connect and interact with people, share ideas and opinions, get critics for your ideas and opinions, and so on. Being a student, this tool could help us in infinite ways, like even landing your dream job.

  • LinkedIn is a go-to platform, that students could use to network with people in their fields. This would help you promote your personal branding, and bring attention to the work that you do (Few of my friends even got job and internship offers through LinkedIn). If you are a student, and still don’t have a LinkedIn profile, I would suggest you make one. If you already do have one, make sure to keep your profile updated, and try to connect and interact with people with similar interests and fields.

  • Twitter is platform that I started using recently, and I should say that I’m loving it! Unlike platforms like Instagram, Twitter allows you to share your thoughts, ideas and opinions, and allows others to pitch in on the conversation.

  • Reddit is the OG platform that I always use. This place has unlimited ideas and thoughts on unlimited topics. For a student, even looking to learn and understand their fields better, reddit is one place that could help you do that!

Despite the pros that Social Media provides us, we tend to over look them, and prove the cons that they have. People these days spend around 4 hours in average, on social media. And most of this time is used in just scrolling through the feed, looking for the next meme/reel that would bring joy for a moment.

This could be really unhealthy; it could affect your sleep, health, interactions with people, and even motivate you to procrastinate more and more.

Realising the ill-effects that Social Media posed on you, could be a good starting point to limiting your usage to scrolling the feed for hours, and using it in healthy manner, that would even help grow your career.

Are you using Social Media "right"?
When was the last time that you checked your screen-time?

Highlights of the Day ✨

  • Had a beautiful morning (although I got up late)
  • Had an amazing chat with the club!
  • Reached out to a few community leaders

Goals for tomorrow πŸ“

  • Work on the COVID-19 Dashboard
  • Work on the presentation with Django and Dash
  • Read more about Flight Clustering
  • Continue learning Web Dev (Practice more CSS)

updated_at 19-06-2021