Day 5

What did I do today? ⚡️

Day 5, LETS GO! (I’m trying to hype myself) 🚀

I started my by going through a few open-source projects, particularly oppia, an open-source online platform to make quality education accessible for all. I’ll soon try to focus on making open-source contributions.

Later, I worked a bit on the Coding Bootcamp, me and my club, ACM, is working on. GitHub has provided alot of ways through which collboration has been made easy. I took a look at few open-source projects which would help make the content of the Bootcamp framed better, such as Excalidraw.

Then I had an amzing chat with two amazing people from IBM, Mridul and Fawaz, where we discussed creating a Student Developer Community here in the UAE. It was an insightful discussion, where I got to understand the challenges that I might come along, while building a community.

I worked more on learning and revising concepts of JavaScript after that. As I said, I keep updating a repository in my GitHub with the notes I make for JS, so that I could later use it to teach others as well.

After that, I applied for few opportunities that I came across. I also scheduled and registered for few events that would be happening over the next week or so; especially the “CodeLand” Conference, which is a free conference, with alots of amazing developer sessions.

That’s it! Let’s hit Day 6 now!

updated_at 19-08-2021