Make Time ⏳

Sunday. Fun day? πŸ€–

How could we manage time well?

Well, to be completely honest, that is a question to which I’m finding the answer for, myself. πŸ™„

After trying out so many techniques to manage time better, I’ve found some really useful.

I’ll be sharing with you one of those techniques.

Fill out your schedule πŸ“†

This is a technique that I’ve started using recently, and have found it really helpful.

So what you actually do in this, is, to write down the tasks and goals you want to complete on the next day. (Make sure to include fun stuff from the previous blog also)

Next, is to prioritize the tasks based on the priorities and also on how that goal or task could improve you.

The next step, is the main one: Completely fill in your schedule for each of those tasks and goals, and also by considering the other daily-activities you would be doing (lunch, dinner, etc.).

A snippet from my schedule.

Many would now think, β€œwhat about the spontaneity of the moment?”

After using this technique myself, I’ve realised that I could actually do a lot in a day and make myself time for the things that are important to me and helps me improve myself.

After all, this schedule isn’t a strict one. It’s the most preferable way to spend your day, but not the only one! πŸ™Œ

Highlights of the Day ✨

  • Planned out the Test - 2 Week πŸ€“
  • Work on a few datasets for Tidy Data πŸ”
  • Go through a few MNIST projects :1234:
  • Practice Web-Scrapping
  • Pitched-in a big idea for the club! πŸ’―
  • Interact with an Alumni 🀝

Goals for tomorrow πŸ“

  • Go through Test - 2 Portions
  • Work on the project πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
  • Read an article on Data Wrangling πŸ—„
  • Read the documentation of scikit-learn
  • Brainstorm for study project on ML πŸ’»

updated_at 04-04-2021