Coaster ☕️
Coaster ☕️
Check-in 📌
One of the million things that I like about Ramadan is that you get closer with your family. Be it if you are preparing the Iftar, grabbing groceries, praying together, or waking up late for Suhoor with 2 minutes left for Fajr, Ramadan brings more love and joy to a family through even the most trivial tasks. ♥️
Also, on a very different note, try this coding problem out, where you are asked to merge k-sorted lists. If you are familiar with merge sort, this problem will be a piece of cake for you! (Although the time complexity in merging two sorted lists at a time is not ideal). You could find my solution to the problem here.
Highlights of the Day ✨
- Continued working for the Database Systems Assignment 📝
- Attended the Club Interview 💯
- Sent my Project Proposal for the next semester ✍️
- Continued learning Flask 🐍
- Ramadan Day 12 ❤️
Goals for tomorrow 📝
- Write the report for Developmental Studies Assignment 📝
- Learn Flask Validations 🐍
- Ramadan Day 13 ❤️
Word of the Day 🔎