Day 14

What did I do today? ⚡️

So I started my day by going through the Docs of Flutter. I love how the documentation is very detailed, and they also have a console with a small code snippet of that particular usage, with an option to edit and run the code.

I also spent quite some time trying out few widgets, like how I tried yesterday. I setup the Android Emulator as well, to work along with VS Code, as I was just using Chrome to run the code till now.

Later, I spent some time working on my JavaScript. (JavaScript gets even more interesting, the more I learn)

Then, I filled out my application for the GitHub Field Day (India). (I guess) I might have a spot anyway at the Field Day, as I’m a Campus Expert.

I had a good convo with the team for MENAHackathon, where we discussed what we could be doing for the upcoming hackathon.

I also started working on trying to build a Discord Bot, for the Discord Server I’m creating for my club. It looks kinda interesting to work along with the Discord API, to build a bot.

That’s it for Day 14, aka Week 2! 🚀

updated_at 28-08-2021